Scientific Publications – Journal Articles & Book Chapters
pr = peer reviewed, *=UNLV PhD Graduate
Martin DL, Perez-Florez AM, Ralston, CE, Harrod RP Interpreting Trauma and Social Violence from Skeletal Remains. In Grauer A (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of Paleopathology. Taylor and Frances, NYC Pp. 502-519
Buikstra, JE, [41 authors in alphabetical order] Martin, DL Twenty-first Century Bioarchaeology: Taking Stock and Moving Forward. Yearbook of Biological Anthropology, Vol 178 Issue S74 (March) Pp. 54-114
Edmonds* ER, Martin DL. Life at Mesa Verde: An Analysis of Health and Trauma from Wetherill Mesa, Mesa Verde National Park. Kiva 29:1-33.
Martin DL, Perez-Florez AM, Ralston, CE, Harrod* RP Interpreting Trauma and Social Violence from Skeletal Remains. In Grauer A (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of Paleopathology. Taylor and Frances, NYC Pp. 502-519
Martin DL Bioarchaeology Resulting from NAGPRA Compliance. In: Engaged Archaeology in the Southwest US. Hays-Gilpin, K., Herr, S., and Lyons, P. eds. U. Press Colorado, Louisville. Pp. 77-89.
Bendry R. and DL Martin Zoonotic Diseases: New Directions in Human-Animal Pathology. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
Martin DL Violence and Masculinity in Small Scale Societies. Current Anthropology 62:169-181.
Martin DL and RP Harrod* The climate change– witch execution connection: Living with environmental uncertainty on the Colorado Plateau (AD 800– 1350). In The Routledge Handbook of the Bioarchaeology of Climate Change and Environment, GR Schug (Ed). Routledge, NYC. Pp. 301-315.
Ralston*, C and DL Martin Working, Living and Dying Together: Rethinking Marginality, Sex and Heterarchy in Kayenta Communities (AD 900-1150). Current Anthropology 122(4): 928-934.
Martin DL and RP Harrod* Gendered Violence in Small-Scale Societies in the Past. In: Gender Violence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3rd Edition, L O’Toole, JR Schiffman and R Sullivan, eds. NYU Press, NYC. pp 13-24
Martin DL and AJ Osterholtz* The Poetics of Corpse Fragmentation and Processing the Ancient Southwest. In: The Poetics of Processing: Memory Formation, Cosmology and the Handling of the Dead. Edited by AJ Osterholtz. University of Colorado Press, Pgs.
Harrod* RP, DL Martin and M Fields* Across a Spectrum of Inequality: Hierarchy, Health and Culturally Sanctioned Violence in the Pre-Contact U.S. Southwest. In: Bones of Complexity: Global Perspectives on the Bioarchaeology of Social Organization. Edited by HD Klaus, AR Harvey and MN Cohen, University Press of Florida, Gainesville Pp. 363-386.
CI Tica* and DL Martin Introduction: Bioarchaeology and the Study of Frontiers. In: Bioarchaeology of Frontiers and Borderlands. Edited by CI Tica and DL Martin. University Florida Press, Gainesville. Pp. 1-12.
Martin DL Marginalized by Choice: Kayenta Pueblo Communities in the Southwest (AD 800-1500). In: Bioarchaeology of Marginalized People Edited by M Mant and A Holland. Academic Press, NYC. Pp. 115-132.
Martin DL, KM Baustian*, and AJ Osterholtz* The Tomb at Tell Abraq (ca 2100-2000 BC): Demographic Structure and Mortuary Complexity. In Mortuary and Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Bronze Age Arabia. Edited by KD Williams and LA Gregoricka. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. Pp. 182-200.
Harrod* RP, DL Martin and M Fields* Across a Spectrum of Inequality: Hierarchy, Health and Culturally Sanctioned Violence in the Pre-Contact U.S. Southwest. In: Bones of Complexity: Global Perspectives on the Bioarchaeology of Social Organization. Edited by HD Klaus, AR Harvey and MN Cohen, University Press of Florida, Gainesville Pp. 363-386.
Tegtmeyer* C, DL Martin and W Gazza Homicide in Sin City: Patterns of Violence Death and Injury Recidivism in Clark County, NV. In: Tegtmeyer*C and DL Martin (editors) Broken Bodies. Broken Bones: Bioarchaeological and Forensic Approaches to Violence: The Accumulative Effects of Repeated Trauma and Violence Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield, NYC. Pp. 201-2016
Martin DL and AJ Osterholtz* Introduction. In: Theoretical Approaches to Analysis and Interpretation of Commingled Remains. AJ Osterholtz*, editor. Springer, NYC. Pp. 1-4.
Schrenk A*,LA Gregoricka, DL Martin and DT Potts Differential diagnosis of a progressive neuromuscular disorder using bioarchaeological and biogeochemical evidence from a bronze age skeleton in the UAE. International Journal of Paleopathology 13:1-10
Schrenk A* and DL Martin Applying the Index of Care to the Case Study of a Bronze Age Teenager Who Lived with Paralysis. In: New Developments in the Bioarchaeology of Care, Edited by L Tilley and A Schrenk*. Springer, NYC. Pp. 47-64.
Martin DL and RP Harrod* The Bioarchaeology of Pain and Suffering: Human Adaptation and Survival During Troubled Times. In: Archaeology of the Human Experience, M Hegmon, editor. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association No. 27. Pp. 161-174.
Martin DL Hard Times in Dry Lands: Making Meaning of Violence in the Ancient Southwest Journal of Anthropological Journal of Anthropological Research 72(1): 1-23.
Martin DL and MK Zuckerman A Biocultural Tribute to Biocultural Scholar. In: New Directions in Biocultural Anthropology, Edited by MK Zuckerman and DL Martin. Wiley Blackwell, NYC Pp. 1-6
Zuckerman MK and DL Martin Introduction: The Development of Biocultural Perspectives in Anthropology. In: New Directions in Biocultural Anthropology, Edited by MK Zuckerman and DL Martin. Wiley Blackwell, NYC Pp. 7-28.
Martin DL and AJ Osterholtz* Broken Bodies and Broken Bones: Biocultural Approaches to Ancient Slavery and Torture. In: New Directions in Biocultural Anthropology, Edited by MK Zuckerman and DL Martin. Wiley Blackwell, NYC Pp. 471-492.
Martin DL and MK Zuckerman The Next Generation. In: New Directions in Biocultural Anthropology, Edited by MK Zuckerman and DL Martin. Wiley Blackwell, NYC Pp. 493-498
Baustian* KM, JJ Crandall* and DL Martin Sex and the Human Skeleton. In: International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, 1st ed. P Whelehan and A Bolin, eds. Wiley, NYC Pp.1115-1354.
· Nelson BA and DL Martin Symbolic bones and Interethnic Violence in a Frontier Zone, Northwest Mexico ca 500-900 CE. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (30): 9196-9201.
Martin DL and RP Harrod* Bioarchaeological Contributions to the Study of Violence. Yearbook Physical Anthropology 156:116-145.
Martin DL Excavating for Truths: Forensic anthropology and Bioarchaeology as Ways of Making Meaning from Skeletal Evidence. In: Disturbing Bodies: A Relational Exploration of Forensic Archaeological Practice, Edited by Z Crossland and R Joyce. School of Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe Pp. 157-168.
Martin DL Beyond Epidemics: A Bioarchaeological Perspective on Pueblo-Spanish Encounters in the American Southwest. In: Beyond Germs, Native Depopulation in North America, Edited by CM Cameron, P Kelton and AC Swedlund. Amerind Studies in Anthropology, University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Pp. 99-118.
Harrod* RP and DL Martin Bioarchaeology Case Studies of Slavery, Captivity and Other Forms of Exploitation. In: The Archaeology of Slavery, Edited by L Wilson Marshall. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale. Pp. 41-63.
Crandall* J. and Martin DL (2014) ‘Life After Life: Bioarchaeology and Post-mortem Agency’, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 24(3), pp. 523–529
Martin DL, Akins, AJ, Toll, HW Disarticulated and Disturbed, Processed and Eaten? Cautionary notes from the La Plata assemblage (AD 1000-1150). In: Commingled and Disarticulated Human Remains, AJ Osterholtz*, K Baustian* and DL Martin, eds. Springer, New York. Pp. 35-50.
Harrod* RP, JL Thompson and DL Martin Hard Labor and Hostile Encounters: What Human remains Reveal about Institutionalized Violence and Chinese Immigrants. Historical Archaeology 46 (4): 85-111.
Harrod* RP and DL Martin Signatures of Captivity and subordination on skeletonized Human Remains. In: Bioarchaeological and Forensic Perspectives on Violence: How Violent Death is Interpreted from Skeletal Remains, Edited by Martin, DL and C Anderson*. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 103-119.
Crandall* JJ and DL Martin The Bioarchaeology of Post-mortem Agency: Integrating Archaeological Theory with Human Skeletal Remains Cambridge Archaeological Journal 24 (3): 429-435.
Potts DR, DL Martin, K Baustian* and AJ Osterhotlz* Neonates, Infant Mortality and the pre-Islamic Arabian Amuletic Tradition at Tell Abraq. Liwa 5(9):3-14.
Martin DL and C Cameron Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Captivity. Anthropology News: Special issue on Violence and Conflict. 53[7]:18+.
Martin DL and, RP Harrod*New Directions in Bioarchaeology The SAA Archaeological Record 12(2): 31, 44.
Martin DL, AJ Osterholtz* Bioarchaeology of Captivity, Slavery, Bondage and Torture. The SAA Archaeological Record 12(3): 32-34.
Baustian* KM, RP Harrod*, AJ Osterholtz* and DL Martin Battered and Abused: Analysis of Trauma at Grasshopper Pueblo (AD 1275-1400). International Journal of Paleopathology 2(2/3):102-111.
Anderson* CP, DL Martin and JT Thompson Indigenous Violence in Northern Mexico on the Eve of Contact. International Journal of Paleopathology 2(2/3):93-101.
Martin DL, Harrod*, RP Body Parts and Parts of Bodies: Traces of Violence in Past Cultures. International Journal of Paleopathology 2(2/3):48-52.
Martin DL and DT Potts Lesley: A Unique Individual from Southeastern Arabia. In: The Bioarchaeology of Individuals, Edited by AL Stodder and A Palkovich. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Global Bioarchaeology Series Pp. 113-126.
Martin DL, RP Harrod* and VR Perez* Introduction: Bioarchaeology and the Study of Violence In: Bioarchaeology of Violence Edited by DL Martin, R Harrod and VR Perez. University Press Florida, Gainesville Pp. 1-12.
2012 pr
Harrod* RP, P Lienard and DL Martin Deciphering Violence: The Potential of Modern Ethnography to Aid in the Interpretation of Archaeological Populations In: Bioarchaeology of Violence. Edited by DL Martin, R Harrod and VR Perez. University Press Florida, Gainesville Pp. 63-82.
Harrod* RP, DL Martin and VR Perez* Conclusion: Implications and Future Directions In: Bioarchaeology of Violence Edited by DL Martin, R Harrod and VR Perez. University Press Florida, Gainesville Pp. 276-280.
Crandall* JJ, Martin DL, Thompson JL. Evidence of Child Sacrifice at La Cueva de los Muertos Chiquitos (660-1430 AD), Landscapes of Violence Vol. 2: No. 2, Article 12.
Anderson*CP, DL Martin and JL Thompson Taphonomy and Cremation of Human Remains from San Francisco de Borja Landscapes of Violence Vol. 2: No. 2, Article 16.
Kuckelman KA and DL Martin Taphonomy and Warfare in the Mesa Verde Region, Landscapes of Violence Vol. 2: No. 2, Article 13.
Harrod* RP and DL Martin Taphonomy After the Fact: Violence and Ritual in Room 33 at Chaco and Room 178 at Aztec, Landscapes of Violence: Vol. 2: No. 2, Article 5.
Martin DL. Taphonomic and Skeletal Indicators of Captivity and Violence in the Southwest (AD 1000-1300), Landscapes of Violence Vol. 2: No. 2, Article 2
Villos* JD and Martin DL Care for the Infirmed: Extreme Cases of Pathology from the Bronze Age (c. 2200 BC). Proceedings of the Southwest Anthropological Association, Vol. 5 Pp. 9-13.
Martin DL Ripped Flesh and Torn Souls: Biological Implications and the Cultural Logic of Forced Captivity and Slavery in Ancient Groups. Proceedings of the Southwestern Anthropological Association Vol. 4 Pp. 18-24.
Martin DL, RP Harrod* and M Fields*, M Beaten Down and Worked to the Bone: Bioarchaeological Investigations of Women and Violence in the Ancient Southwest. Landscapes of Violence 1(1): 1-19.
Watson JT, M Fields* and DL Martin Introduction of Agriculture and Its Effects on Women’s Oral Health. American Journal of Human Biology 22:92-102
Baustian* K and DL Martin Patterns of Mortality in a Bronze Age Tomb from Tell Araq In: Death and Burial in Arabia and Beyond: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Society for Arabian Studies Monograph 10, L Weeks, ed. BAR International Series 2107:55-59.
Fields*M, Herschaft E, Martin DL and Watson, JT. Sex and the Agricultural Transition: Dental Health of Early Farming Females Journal of Dentistry and Oral Hygiene 1(4):42-51.
Perez VE, Harrod* RP and Martin DL Looting, Collecting and Selling Ancient Artifacts: Who are the Victims? Anthropology Newsletter September, pp. 28-29.
Martin DL Proceedings: George Armelagos - Darwin Life Time Achievement Award. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 140(4):776-779.
Martin DL, Akins NJ, Crenshaw, B, Stone, PK. Inscribed on the Body, Written in the Bones: The Consequences of Social Violence at La Plata. In: Social Violence in the Prehispanic American Southwest Edited by DL Nichols and PL Crown. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Pp. 98-122.
Perez VR, Nelson BA and Martin DL. Veneration or Violence? A Study of Variations in Patterns of Human Bone Modification at La Quemada. In: Social Violence in the Prehispanic American Southwest. Edited by DL Nichols and PL Crown. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Pp. 123-142.
Martin DL Reanalysis of Trauma in the La Plata Valley (900-1300): Strategic Social Violence and the Bioarchaeology of Captivity. In: Reanalysis and Reinterpretation in Southwestern Bioarchaeology, Stodder, ALW, ed. Arizona State University, Anthropological Research papers No. 59, Tempe, AZ. Pp. 167-184.
Martin DL. Ripped Flesh and Torn Souls: Evidence for Slavery in the Prehistoric Southwest, AD 800-1500. In: Invisible Citizens: Captives and Their Consequences, Cameron, CM ed. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City Pps. 159-180.
Martin DL Bioarchaeology in the United Arab Emirates. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 18:124-131.
Kuckelman, KA and Martin DL. Human Skeletal Remains. In: The Archaeology of Sand Canyon Pueblo, KA Kuckelman, ed. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center: Cortez, CO Available:
Martin DL and Goodman AH. Health Conditions Before Columbus: Paleopathology of Native North Americans. In: Health and Healing in Comparative Perspective, Edited by ED Whitaker. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Pp. 211-216.
Cope JM, Berryman AC, Martin DL and Potts DT. Robusticity and Osteoarthritis at the Trapeziometacarpal Joint in a Bronze Age Population from Tell Abraq, UAE. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 126:391-400
Martin DL, Nelson B. and Perez VR Patrones de Modificatió en Huesos Humanos de La Quemada, Zacatecas: Hallazgos Perliminaries. In: Perspective Tafonómica, Edited by CM Pijoan Aguadé and Z.L. Lizarraga Cruchaga. Sierie Antropología Física Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City. Pp. 155-172.
Martin DL and Horowitz S. Anthropology and Alternative Medicine: Orthopedics and the Other. Techniques in Orthopaedics 18(1): 130-137.
Sananman EM, Martin DL and Kaku, T. Childbirth in Japan Compared with Childbirth in the USA. School of Health Sciences Kyushu University 1:15-22.
Kuckelman KL, Lightfoot RR, Martin DL. The Bioarchaeology and Taphonomy of Violence at Castle Rock and Sand Canyon Pueblos, Southwestern Colorado. American Antiquity 67:486-513.
Goodman AH, Martin DL. Reconstructing Health Profiles from Skeletal Remains. In: The Backbone of History: Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere Edited by Steckel RH and Rose JC. England: Cambridge University Press. Pp 11-60.
Stodder ALW, Martin DL, Goodman AH, Reff DT. Cultural Longevity in the Face of Biological Stress: The Anasazi of the American Southwest. In: The Backbone of History: Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere Steckel RH, Rose JC, eds. England: Cambridge University Press. Pp 481-505.
Martin DL, Goodman AH. Health Conditions Before Columbus: Paleopathology of Native North Americans. Western Journal of Medicine 176(1):65-68.
Martin DL, Perez* VR Dead Bodies and Violent Acts. Commentary. Anthropology News 42 (7): 8-9.
2001 pr
Martin DL, Akins NJ. Unequal Treatment in Life as in Death: Trauma and Mortuary Behavior at La Plata (AD 1000-1300). Ancient Burial Practices in the American Southwest. Edited by Mitchell DR, Brunson-Hadley JL. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Pp. 223-248.
Dongoske KE, Martin DL, Ferguson TJ. Critique of the Claim of Cannibalism at Cowboy Wash. American Antiquity 65(1): 179-190.
Martin DL and Goodman AH. Health Conditions Before Columbus: The Paleopathology of Native North Americans. In: American Indian Health: Innovations in Health Care, Promotion, and Policy Rhoades ER ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Pp. 19-40.
Martin DL. Bodies and Lives: Biological Indicators of Health Differentials and Division of Labor by Sex. In: Women and Men in the Prehistoric Southwest: Labor, Power and Prestige. Crown P ed. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press. Pp. 267-300.
Kuckelman KA, Lightfoot RR and Martin DL. Changing Patterns of Violence in the Northern San Juan Region. Kiva 66 (1):147-165.
Goodman AG and Martin DL. The Potential Pitfalls of Evolutionary Medicine: Forager Peoples in Theory and in Reality. In: Food and Body. Guerci A ed. Genoa, Italy: Erga Edizionii. Pp. 90-104.
Martin DL. Owning the Sins of the Past: Historical Trends in the Study of Southwest Human Remains. In: Building a New Biocultural Synthesis: Political-Economic Perspectives in Biological Anthropology. Edited by Goodman AH and Leatherman L. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Pp. 171-190.
Martin DL. Violence Against Women in a Southwestern Series (AD 1000-1300). In: Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past. Martin DL, Frayer D eds. New York: Gordon and Breach. Pp. 45-75.
Goodman AH, Martin DL, Armelagos GJ. The Biological Consequences of Inequality in Prehistory Rivista di Antropologia Vol. 73: 30-45.
Martin DL, Goodman AH. Demography, Diet and Disease in the Transitional Basketmaker III/ Pueblo I Period. In: Studies in Ridges Basin Archaeology. Smiley FE, Gregg SA eds. Arizona: Animas/La Plata Manuscript Series Research Paper No. 4. Pp.1-48.
Nelson BA, Martin DL, Swedlund AC, Fish PR, Armelagos GJ. Studies in Disruption: Demography and Health in the Prehistoric American Southwest. In: Understanding Complexity in the Prehistoric Southwest. Edited by GJ Gumerman and M Gell-Mann M. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Proceedings Volume XVI. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Pp. 59-112.
Martin DL. Patterns of Diet and Disease: Health Profiles for the Prehistoric Southwest. In: Themes in Southwest Prehistory. Edited by GJ Gumerman. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press. Pp. 87-108.
Goodman AH, Martin DL, Klein CP, Peele MS, Cruse NA, McEwen LR, Saeed A, Robinson BM. Cluster Bands, Wilson Bands and Pit Patches: Histological and Enamel Surface Indicators of Stress in the Black Mesa Anasazi Population. Journal of Paleopathology Monograph Publication 2:115-127.
Goodman AH, Martin DL, Armelagos GJ. Health, Economic Change and Regional Political Economic Relations: Examples from Prehistory. MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology 9:51-60.
Stodder ALW, Martin DL. Native Health and Disease in the American Southwest Before and After Spanish Contact. Disease and Demography in the Americas: Changing Patterns Before and After 1492. Ubelaker DH, Verano JW eds.Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. Pp. 55-73.
Martin DL. Bone Histology and Paleopathology: Methodological Considerations. In: Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options Ortner DJ, Aufderheide AC eds. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. Pp. 55-59.
Martin DL, Armelagos GJ, Henderson KA, "The Persistence of Nutritional Stress in Northeastern African (Sudanese Nubian) Populations. In: Famine in Africa: Microperspectives. Vol I. Huss-Ashmore R, Katz S, eds. London: Gordon, Breach. Pp. 185-209.
198 pr
Armelagos GJ, Brenton B, Alcorn M, Martin DL, VanGerven DP. Factors Affecting Elemental and Isotopic Variation in Prehistoric Human Skeletons. In: Bone Chemistry of Past Populations. Price TD ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 230-244.
Martin DL, Magennis AL, Rose JC. Cortical Bone Maintenance in an Historic Afro-American Cemetery from Cedar Grove, Arkansas. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 74:255-264.
Hurley MM, Martin DL, Raisz LG. Changes in Ethanol Concentration During Incubation in Multiwell Tissue Culture Trays. Proceedings Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 186:139-141.
Martin DL, Armelagos, GJ. Histological Analysis of Bone Remodeling in Prehistoric Sudanese Nubia. Science and Egyptology. David RA ed. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press. Pp. 389-398.
Martin DL, Armelagos GJ. Skeletal Remodeling and Mineralization as Indicators of Health: An Example from Prehistoric Sudanese Nubia. Journal of Human Evolution 14:527-537.
Magennis AL, Martin DL, Rubens L. Human Osteological Remains. In: Excavations on Black Mesa 1983 Christianson AL, Perry WJ eds. Carbondale, Illinois: Center for Archaeological Investigations Press. Pp. 445-450.
Martin DL, Piacentini C, Armelagos GJ. Paleopathology of the Black Mesa Anasazi: A Biocultural Approach. In: Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest. Merbs CF, Miller RJ eds. Tempe, Arizona: Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers No. 34. Pp. 104-114.
Martin DL, Goodman AH, Armelagos GJ. Skeletal Pathologies as Indicators of Quality and Quantity of Diet. The Analysis of Prehistoric Diets. Gilbert R, Mielke J eds. New York: Academic Press. Pp. 227-279.
Magennis AL and Martin DL. Osteological Remains from Excavated Sites. In: Excavations on Black Mesa 1982 Nichols DL, Smiley FE. eds. Carbondale, Illinois: Center for Archaeological Investigations Press. Pp. 805-811.
Martin DL, Armelagos GJ, Goodman AH, Van Gerven DP. The Effects of Socioeconomic Change in Prehistoric Africa. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture Cohen MN, Armelagos GJ eds. New York: Academic Press. Pp. 193-214.
Goodman AH, Martin DL, Armelagos GJ. Indications of Stress from Bone and Teeth. In: Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Cohen MN, Armelagos GJ eds. New York: Academic Press. Pp.13-49.
Armelagos GJ, Van Gerven DP, Martin DL, Huss-Ashmore R. Effects of Nutritional Change on the Skeletal Biology of Northeast African (Sudanese Nubian) Populations. In: From Hunter to Farmers Clark JD, Brandt SA eds. Berkeley: U. of California Press. Pp.132-146.
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Martin DL, Horowitz S. An Anthropological Framework for Examining Reproduction and Sexuality. Women's Studies Quarterly XII(4):19-22.
Martin DL, Piacentini C. Osteological Recovery: Summary of Analyses. In: Excavations of Black Mesa 1981. Smiley FE, Nichols DL, Andrews PP eds. Carbondale, Illinois: Center for Archaeological Investigations Press. Pp. 501-505.
Armelagos GJ, Huss-Ashmore RA, Martin DL. Morphometrics as Indicators of Dietary Stress in Prehistoric Sudanese Nubia. MASCA Research papers in Science and Archaeology 2(1):22-26.
Martin DL, Armelagos GJ, Mielke J, Miendl, R. Dietary Stress in Prehistoric Populations from Sudanese Nubia. Bull. Mem. Soc. Anthrop. Paris Serie XIII:307-319.
Armelagos G, Jacobs K and Martin DL, "Death and Demography in Prehistoric Nubia. In: Mortality and Immortality: The Anthropology and Archaeology of Death. Humphries S, King H eds. London: Academic Pres Pp. 35-58.
Martin DL. Microstructural Examination: Potential for Skeletal Analyses. In: Biocultural Adaptation: Comprehensive Approaches to Skeletal Analyses. Martin DL, Bumsted P eds. Amherst, Mass.: Department of Anthropology Research Reports No.20. Pp.96-112.
Martin DL, Goodman AH, Armelagos, GJ. On the Use of Microstructural Bone for age Determination. Current Anthropology 22:437-438
Bassett E, Kieth M, Armelagos GJ, Martin DL, Villanueva T. Tetracycline-labeled Bone from Ancient Sudanese Nubia. Science 209:1531-1534
Martin DL, Armelagos GJ, King J. Degenerative Joint Disease of the Long Bones from Dickson Mound. Henry Ford Hospital Medicine Journal 27:60-64
Martin DL, Armelagos GJ. Morphometrics of Compact Bone: An Example from Sudanese Nubia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51, 571-578
Martin DL, Armelagos GJ. Paleoepidemiological Methods and Porotic Hyperostosis. Paleopathology News 23, 14-17